Beschreibung von Köln, Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek, Cod. 84

Bibliographische Beschreibung

Gregory The Great : MORALIA IN IOB 1-16; etc
12c 1/2
i(paper) + 200 + i(paper).
450 mm x 300 mm
Persistenter Identifier
urn:nbn:de:hbz:kn28-3-8409 Persistent Identifier (URN)
Weitere Angaben
Köln, Dombibliothek Hs. 84
HMML Microfilm-No.: 35,099
Frühere Signatur
"6" (earlier shelf mark, f. 1r).

Zustand und Zusammensetzung

[1], i4, ii-xxv8 (in xvii, 3rd and 6th are singles), xxvi4, [1]. Quire signatures I-XXIIII (ii-xxv), each with different decoration around number (some animals, some geometric shapes)
Written space: 350 mm x 214 mm ( 96 mm each column, 22 mm between columns); except first and last quires: 342 mm x 210 mm ( 94 mm each column, 22 mm between columns). 49 lines. 2 columns. Dry-point ruling, double bounding lines, three lines between columns; three text lines at top and bottom go to edge of page, all text lines ruled across gutter prickings near edge of page. text above top line. Book numbers as running titles, e.g.: "Liber primus / pars prima".

Schrift und Hände

littera protogothica. 2 hands:

Ff. 1ra-4vb appear to be written at same time as 197ra-200vb, with same type of pen (more shaded look than hand

A has through most of codex); scribe wrote additional texts in the leaves which remained of his last quaternion (ending main text on first verso of this last quire); size of written space is different in these first and last folia of the codex; first quire may have been placed at front as protection for the illustrated title page f. 5r.

A: 1r-148v and 197r-200v

B: 149r-196v.


  • Ff. 1ra-4vb: 3- to 6-line red initials, incidental initials stroked with red;
  • rest of codex: 11- to 14-line decorated initials (interlace, foliate, animals: dogs and lions, dog heads, griffon [ 132ra];
  • interlace pattern usually left white, interstices and backgrounds, leaves and figures are colored red, green, brown and yellow), 45-line "I" f. 7r, and decorations around quire signatures in same style (including snake, dogs or lions, birds);
  • titulus f. 5r in full page of black and red square capitals within a pair of architectural arches, man seated on pillow at top of arches (Job?) with lilies in his hands;
  • major tituli and colophon 197v in same lettering as on 5r;
  • minor tituli in red or black minuscule, rustic capitals or mixed majuscules;
  • first words in square capitals or mixed majuscules.


Frequent marginalia especially near front of codex, mostly nota signs; also notes in lead (13c) f. 16r, 17v; titulus f. 5r repeated in 15c hand. First gathering apparently contemporary but added to rest of codex (see quire signatures, hands, decoration, and written space, above). A number of passages have marks for stress accent, especially monosyllables, proper names, compound forms, longer words and verb forms.


  • Vorderseite "Jaffé, codex 84 / continet folia 200 / saec XII./ Moralia Gregorii Papae." ( 19c title).
  • FEL Blank.
  • 1ra-4vb Autor: Sulpicius Severus (ca. 363-420) Titel: Vita S. Martini Turonensis (Bp. of Tours, ca. 316-397), cap. 2-20. Rubrizierung: Incipit uita sancti martini. l[iber] I. Incipit: Igitur martinus sabariae panoniarum(!) oppido oriundus fuit Explicit: captum intra aquileiae muros maximum interfecit. Explicit. (Ed)
  • J. Fontaine, Sources chretiennes 133 (Paris 1969), pp. 254-298.
  • CSEL 1, pp. 111-130, cap. 2-20.
  • PL 20:161B-172A.
  • see also Clavis, nr. 475.
  • see also BHL nr. 5610.
  • Lacks prologue and last seven capitula.
  • 5ra-197vb Autor: Gregory the Great (pope 590-604) Titel: Moralia in Iob 1-16. Rubrizierung: ( 5ra) In expositione beati iob moralia gregorii papae beatissimi per contemplationem sumpta libri quinque. / ( 5rb) pars prima. Incipit prologus explanationis in sancto iob. Incipit: ( 5va) [Sal]; (Prol) Dudum te, frater beatissime, in constantinopolitana urbe cognoscens Incipit: (Text) ( 7rb) Inter multos sepe quaeritur, quis libri beati iob scriptor habeatur Explicit: opitulante Deo latius disserantur. Explicit liber sextus decimus, pars tercia. (Ed)
  • PL 75:509D-1162B.
  • CCSL 143 and 143A, pp. 1-849.
  • see also Clavis, nr. 1708.
  • see also Stegmüller nr. 2634.
  • (Omss) M. Adriaen, CCSL 143, pp. XIV-XXIX , lists over 550 mss., including this.
  • 198ra-199vb (3) Anonymous (Pseudo-Bede). Titel: Homilia de festivitate omnium sanctorum (ed. Bede, Homilia 71). Rubrizierung: Incipit sermo diuinus de festiuitate omnium sanctorum, quae caelebratur kalendis novembri. Incipit: Legimus in aecclesiasticis hystoriis, quod sanctus bonifacius Explicit: postmodum in aeterna saecula gaudere mereamur, per eum qui uiuit et regnat in saecula saeculorum amen. (Ed)
  • T.E. Cross, "'Legimus in ecclesiasticis historiis': a Sermon for All Saints, and its Use in Old English Prose," Traditio 33 (1977), pp. 101-135 (not seen).
  • see also CPPM 1, 4046 (not seen).
  • PL 94:452C-455C.
  • see also CCSL 122, p. 383.
  • see also Clavis, nr. 1368.
  • 200ra-vb (4) Anonymous (Pseudo-Bede). Titel: Homilia de festivitate omnium sanctorum (ed. Bede, Homilia 70). Rubrizierung: ( 199vb) Item cuius supra de eadem festiuitate. Incipit: ( 200ra) Hodie, dilectissimi, omnium sanctorum sub una sollempnitatis laeticia Explicit: salutis auctorem, lucis principem, laeticiae largitorem, Qui uiuit et regnat cum Deo patre omnipotente et spiritu sancto Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen. (Ed)
  • PL 94:450B-452C.
  • on Ps.-Bede homilies, see G. Morin, Etudes, textes, decouvertes (Mardesou/Paris, 1913), pp. 56-57 (not seen).
  • see also CCSL 122, p. 383.
  • see also Clavis, nr. 1367.
  • Last three lines of text written in smaller letters to fit onto page, last two lines below normal written space.
  • REL-RPD Blank.



  • The Medieval Manuscripts of the Cologne Cathedral Library. Volume I, MSS. 1-100. By Diane Warne Anderson and Jonathan Black, edited by Diane Warne Anderson. [Digitaler Volltext]
Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek Köln
Im Rahmen des DFG-Projekts CEEC bearbeitet von Patrick Sahle; Torsten Schaßan (2000-2004)
Bearbeitung im Rahmen des Projekts Migration der CEEC-Altdaten von Marcus Stark; Siegfried Schmidt; Harald Horst; Stefan Spengler; Patrick Dinger; Torsten Schaßan (2017-2019)

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