Beschreibung von Köln, Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek, Cod. 1
Bibliographische Beschreibung
Vulgate Bible
9c med. (857-862)
i(paper) + 382 + i(paper).
495 mm
x 350 mm
Weitere Angaben
Köln, Dombibliothek Hs. 1
HMML Microfilm-No.: 34,984
A deluxe Tours Bible, by a master scribe with a carefully observed hierarchy of scripts, on exceptionally fine parchment. On Turonian origin, see Rand, Earliest Book , p. 120. According to the inscription on f. 1r, this ms. was presented to St. Peter's of Köln by Hermann, Abp. of Köln (890-923) ; Decker mistakenly identified this ms. with his nrs. 1-12 in the catalogue of 833, although if it could be identified with any entry in that catalogue, it would be the first item listed, above Decker's number 1 (op. cit. p. 224, also in facsimile after p. 251), which reads: "Bibliotheca in qua continentur omnes libri veteris ac novi testamenti." But because of the inscription regarding Herimann , and because of the paleographical dating of the manuscript to the mid-ninth century, the catalogue of 833 must refer to a different "Bibliotheca". See also Frenken , loc. cit.Zustand und Zusammensetzung
Strips cut out of bottom margins on some folia.
[1], i-ii2, iii-iv8, v8-1 (one excised at front), vi-ix8, x6, xi-xvi8, xvii4, xviii-xxxvi8, xxxvii4, xxxviii-xl8, xli6, xlii-xliii8, xliv6, xlv-l8, li10-1 (one lost at end, expl. mut.),[1]. First two bifolia are in original location, but according to the later signatures, at one time quires i-ii seem to have been misbound between quires xlvii-xlviii, after f. 349, before the prologue to the Pauline epistles; also according to these quire signatures, at that time there should have been an additional quire before quire i or after xlvii, perhaps only two folia, which is now lost, and which would have contained either additional prologue(s) and/or decoration. ¶ Quires are signed by 14c(?) hand, with one letter at beginning of gathering, the next letter at the end of the gathering, the next letter at the beginning of the following gathering, and so forth; the letters are accompanied by the number of an alphabet series; the quires apparently were out of order when these signatures were written, since the first quire is numbered as if it were in the fifth alphabet series; thus the signatures appear as follows (on first recto/last verso of the indicated quires): "d5/e5"(i); "f5/g5"(ii); "a/a"(iii); "b/c"(iv) "z/a-ii"(xiv); "b-ii/c-ii"(xv) "z4/a5"(xlvii); "h5/i5"(xlviii) "m5/n5"(l); "o5"(li, on first recto only). Presumably a missing quire would have been signed "b5/c5" (before quire i or after xlvii).
Written space:
370 mm
x 274 mm
122 mm
each column,
30 mm
between columns.
51 lines (54 lines on f. 117v, so that book ends within gathering). 2 columns. Dry-point ruling, double bounding lines for each column, additional bounding lines in inner and outer margins for canon table references in quires xli-xlv (ff. 298-333); according to Rand and Jones (op. cit., p. 118), mostly new style ruling, with the following exceptions: three quires in old style and one quire half in old and half in new style, and seven quires irregular (quire iii is counted as quire I in Rand and Jones' numbering). prickings still present only for bounding lines (outer margins trimmed) text above top line. Scriptural book titles as running titles. Most prologues begin on new gatherings.
Schrift und Hände
9c littera carolina for Bible texts, semi-uncialis for prologues. On three folia (5ra-va, 334ra and 350ra-b, which are the prologues for Genesis, the Gospels, and Pauline epistles) the decorative hierarchy of scripts is extended, so that entire columns of text are in uncial. One hand for all scripts.
- F. 2r and 303v: full-page initials in gold, silver, purple, green, yellow, red, white, black (foliate, interlace).
- Initials on f. 5ra and at beginning of each scriptural book: 15 lines or larger, same pallette of colors; smaller initials for prefaces to individual books.
- Architectural frames for Canon Tables (300v-302r) and Epistle concordance (351v-352r).
- Initials mark ferial divisions of Psalter (Pss. 26, 38, 52, 68, and 80).
- Titulus f. 1v-2r in gold square capitals; titulus f. 5r in gold rustic capitals on purple ground; elsewhere tituli and first lines in square capitals (tituli with alternate lines gold and red, and sometimes purple or blue, first lines black); or first lines in red or black uncials or square capitals followed by uncials; psalm tituli in red uncials; explicits in rustic capitals.
Some contemporary and later corrections; 13c-15c marginal insertions, chapter numbers, and notes with references to another Bible (see ff. 1r, 262r-273v); human bust in lower margin f. 338v.Geschichte der Handschrift
"Liber sancti petri a pio patre herimanno datus" (9/10c, f. 1r - Herimann Abp. of Köln 890-923 );
"Rutgheri." (9- or 10c?, f. 1r); "Hic liber est sancti petri in colonia concessus conventui de prato sancte marie per manum domini alberti subdecani, quem idem conventus reddet sine contradictione, cum repitittus(!) fuerit a capitulo sancti petri, sicut continetur in litteris, quibus se predictus sanctimonialium conventus obligavit. Et in eo sunt multa folia truncata. Anno MCCXLI." (f. 1r, notice dated 1241, that this book was lent by cathedral to the convent of the Prata S. Mariae, also called Benden; this Cistercian convent for women was founded 1207 in the area of Brühl [about 10 km south of Cologne]; see Gallia Christiana 3 [Paris 1876], col. 796, and Montrond, Dictionnaire des abbayes et monastères (Paris 1856), col. 94);
"In tabula altaris beate marie accepte sunt, pro xviiii m. argenti, xiii m. auri et dimidium" (12- or 13c, f. 1r);
"Liber sancti Petri in colonia" (14c, f. 1r);
19c title and description (front cover, FPD);
- Vorderseite "I./ Jaffé codex I. saec. IX./ continet 382 folia./ Hieronymi bibliotheca divina./ (biblia in Latinum conversa)." ( 19c title).
- Vordere_Innenseite 19c title and foliation; and 20c readers' register.
- FEL Blank.
- 1r Owner marks of Köln cathedral, as given above.
- 1v-382vb Titel: Vulgate Bible Rubrizierung: Incipit epistola sancti iheronimi ad paulinum praesbiterum de omnibus divinis historiae libris. Incipit: (Prol)(2r) Frater ambrosius tua mihi munuscula perferens Explicit: et sanctus sanctificetur adhuc (Apoc. 22:11) // [expl. mut.]. Scriptural books, preceded by prologues and capitula, are present in following order (numbers in parentheses indicate prologue number in Stegmüller): Genesis (284 and 285), Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua (311), Judges, Ruth, I-IV Kings (= I-II Samuel + I-II Kings; 323), I-II Chronicles (= Paralipomenon; 328), I-II Ezra (II Ezra [= Nehemiah] not given a separate title; 330), Esther (341 and 342/343), Job (344 and 349, plus 350 at end), Psalms (414 and 430), Proverbs (457), Ecclesiastes, Song, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus, Isaiah (482), Jeremiah (487), Lamentations, Ezekiel (492), Daniel (494), Hosea (500), Joel, Amos, Obediah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Tobit (332), Judith (335), I-II Maccabees (no preface), Matthew (595, 601, 596, 581, 590/591), Mark (607), Luke (620), John (624), Acts (640), Catholic Epistles (809), Pauline Epistles, including ps.-pauline Laodiceans after Colossians (651, 646 [=Concordance], 670, 674, 677, 684/685, 699/700, 707, 715, 728, 736 [no separate prologue for Laodiceans], 747, 752, 765, 772, 780, 783, 794), Apocalypse (834/835). Baruch not present. Only one prologue is given for all minor prophets, but a 14c marginal hand refers to the individual prefaces. Another Vulgate recension is responsible for the marginal insertions in I Samuel. Genesis capitula belong to the Lamda-a series of editions. Some ferial divisions in Psalter (see decoration above).
- REL-RPD Blank.
- Hartzheim, pp. 2-4.
- Jaffé-Wattenbach, p. 1.
- L.M. Ayres, "The Italian Giant Bibles: aspects of their Touronian ancestry and early history", The Early Medieval Bible, ed. by R. Gameson (Cambridge, Eng., 1994), pp. 125-154, this ms. pp. 141-142.
- S. Berger, Histoire de la Vulgate pendant les premiers siècles du moyen âge (Paris 1893), p. 379.
- Decker, Manuskriptensammlung, pp. 229-230 (nrs. 1-12, but see comments below).
- B. Fischer, "Die Alkuin-Bibeln", J. Duft et al., Die Bibeln von Moutier-Grandval. British Museum Add. Ms. 10546 (Bern 1971), pp. 64, 66, et passim (not seen).
- H. Foerster, Die Abkürzungen in den Kölner Handschriften den Karolingerzeit (Tübingen 1916).
- G. Frenken , "Zu dem Kataloge der Dombibliothek von 833," in: Löffler, Bibliotheksgeschichte, p. 53.
- D. Ganz, "Mass production of early medieval manuscripts: the Carolingian Bibles from Tours", The Early Medieval Bible, ed. by R. Gameson (Cambridge, Eng., 1994), pp. 53-62, this ms. pp. 55, 57, 60, 62.
- W. Koehler, Die karolingischen Miniaturen, Bd. 1/1, Die Schule von Tours. Die Ornamente (Berlin 1930; repr. Berlin 1963), pp. 298-303, 410-412
- E. Kurten, Unsere Toten IV: Ergänzungen und Verbesserungen zu Unsere Toten I und II (not seen)
- R. McKitterick, "Carolingian Bible production: the Tours anomaly", The Early Medieval Bible, ed. by R. Gameson (Cambridge, Eng., 1994), pp. 63-77, this ms. p. 72
- E.K. Rand, A Survey of the Manuscripts of Tours, Studies in the Script of Tours, 1 (Cambridge, Mass., 1929), pp. 164-165.
- idem, The Earliest Book of Tours, Studies in the Script of Tours, 2 (Cambridge, Mass., 1934), pp. 118-120 (description by L.W. Jones)
- A. von Euw, Das Buch der vier Evangelien. Kölns karolingische Evangelienbücher [Exhibit catalogue] (Köln 1989), pp. 46 sqq.
- The Medieval Manuscripts of the Cologne Cathedral Library. Volume I, MSS. 1-100. By Diane Warne Anderson and Jonathan Black, edited by Diane Warne Anderson. [Digitaler Volltext]
Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek Köln
Im Rahmen des DFG-Projekts CEEC bearbeitet von Patrick Sahle; Torsten Schaßan (2000-2004)
Bearbeitung im Rahmen des Projekts Migration der CEEC-Altdaten von Marcus Stark; Siegfried Schmidt; Harald Horst; Stefan Spengler; Patrick Dinger; Torsten Schaßan (2017-2019)