Beschreibung von Köln, Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek, Cod. 12
Bibliographische Beschreibung
Seeon (illustrations in style of Reichenau)
11c 1/2 (c.1010-1040)
211 (originally 212 including FPD).
365 mm
x 260 mm
Weitere Angaben
Köln, Dombibliothek Hs. 12
HMML Microfilm-No.: 35,143
Zustand und Zusammensetzung
Exceptionally fine, white parchment.
i10 (1st now pasted down to FC), ii10-2 (outer bifolium lost, Prol. expl. mut. 9v, Capitula inc. mut. 18r), iii10, iv-vii8, viii-ix6, x6-3 (missing two at front before 72 [text lacks Arg. and Prol. to Mark] and one between 73-74 [lacks portrait of Mark; expl. mut. 73v]), xi-xiii8, xiv6, xv10-1 (Luke portrait lost after 4th [108], Capitula expl. mut. 108v), xvi-xxi8, xxii6-3 (one or two missing at front [part of text of Luke], portrait page of John missing after 162, Capitula expl. mut. 162v), xxiii8, xiv8-1 (lacks one after 6th [177]), xxv-xxviii8. No quire signatures.
Written space:
250 mm
x 138 mm
25 lines, except 37 lines on ff. 203-210. ¶ Long lines. Dry-point ruling, double bounding lines, with an extra line in both margins to guide canon table references prickings at edge of page on first folio of quire i, now pasted down, elsewhere trimmed off text above top line.
Schrift und Hände
11c littera carolina One hand, ,
style of Seeon
except second hand f. 2v, 24r and 110r lines 1-6, who appears to be the artist of the codex, according to Hoffmann (op. cit. below, p. 410).
Named scribes: Conradus (monk of Seeon, text scribe),
and Burchardus (monk of Reichenau, illustrator).
- Decoration in style of Reichenau
- Three full-page miniatures: Jerome, f. 4v, with illustrator (left) and scribe (right) on either sidededication, f. 16v, with Hillinus presenting book to St. Peter, and depiction of Köln Cathedral at top;Matthew, f. 22v;
- other evangelist portraits removed;
- colors: magenta, pink, red, blue, green, black, white, purple, lavender, tan, gray, gold.
- Full-page initials with acanthus borders, in gold on purple ground, plus first words in gold uncials, ff. 23, 74, 109, 163. Decorated initials for prefaces in red outline filled with gold, with blue and green ground filled in, ff. 4v, 7r, 17r, 72r, 105r, 161v, 210r.
- Architectural frame for canon table, ff. 10v-16r.
- Incidental initials throughout text in gold;
- tituli in red uncials, 1st lines in gold uncials followed by brown rustic capitals;
- f. 2v all in gold uncials.
- Canon table references in margin by text hand
- see also scribal colophon (2v) and dedication (3v), regarding commission for the Köln Cathedral.
- Scribal colophon, 2v: "Prece et caritate Hillini Coloniensis domus cuiusdam canonici, Nos duo non solum spiritu sed etiam carne germani Purchardus et Chuonradus invitati et coacti, presentem librum accepimus scribendum ad altare sancti Petri infra muros Coloniae principaliter constructum fideli devotione tradendum; Datoris quidem premium quia novimus certum nostrum quoque pro qualitate meritorum speramus propicium; Lector amande, tui simul et miserere nostri."
Geschichte der Handschrift
F. 2v informs us the book is a gift to St. Peter's of Köln from Hillinus canonicus Coloniensis, and the book was produced by the monks Burchard and Konrad. Text scribe (including smaller initials) is of the scriptorium of Kloster Seeon, according to Hoffmann, op. cit. p. 410; this scribe of Seeon has been identified as the monk Konrad, and the illustrator as his brother Burchard, monk of Reichenau, whose death is recorded in a Seeon Martyrology-necrology (Kirmeier et al., op. cit. p. 157); previously the ms. had been thought to originate at Reichenau, because of the illustrations; date given according to Hoffmann, loc. cit.
- Vorderseite "Jaffé, codex XII. saec. XI./ continet folia 210./ Evangelia quatuor ab Hieronymo in Latinum translata." ( 19c title).
- Vordere_Innenseite 19c description and foliation (formerly 1st folio verso of codex).
- 2v Scribal colophon in gold uncials (see codicology section above; ed. also in Jaffé-Wattenbach p. 5).
- 3r-v (1) Hillinus, priest of St. Peter's, Köln. Titel: Dedication . Incipit: Multimoda divinarum scripturarum assertione est inculcatum Explicit: et appraehendat ultio in remissiva. (Ed)
- Jaffé-Wattenbach pp. 5-6. Codex dedicated to St. Peter.
- 4r Blank.
- 4v Portrait of Jerome.
- 5r-9v (2) Jerome (c.342-419). Titel: Gospel Prologues (Matthew prologues) Rubrizierung: Incipit epistola hieronimi presbiteri. Incipit: (Prol 1) [Sal]; Novum opus facere me cogis ex veteri Incipit: (Prol 2)(7r) Plures fuisse Incipit: (Prol 3)(8v) Sciendum etiam Incipit: (Prol 4)(9r) Ammonius quidem Explicit: Continuo serie pote // [expl. mut.]. Stegmüller 595, 596, 601, 581.
- 10r Blank.
- 16v Dedication portrait: Hillinus and St. Peter, with Köln cathedral at top of page.
- 17r-202v (4) Titel: Gospels Rubrizierung: Incipit argumentum secundum matheum. Incipit: Matheus ex iudea sicut in ordine primus ponitur. Stegmüller nrs. 47-50. Each Gospel originally preceded by preface, list of capitula (breviarium ), and evangelist portrait (on verso). Portraits of Mark, Luke, and John are now missing, along with most of the prologues and capitula (see collation above).
- 203r-210r (5) Titel: Capitulare Evangeliorum Rubrizierung: In nomine domini incipit capitulare evangeliorum. Incipit: In vigilia domini secundum Matheum. Cum esset Explicit: resuscitabo eum in novissimo die. (Ed)
- Theodor Klauser, Das römische Capitulare Evangeliorum, Liturgiewissenschaftliche Quellen und Forschungen 28 (Münster/Westfalen, 1935), pp. 140-172. (Omss) Klauser, intro., pp. xxxvi-lxx lists 429 mss. containing Titel: capitularia evangeliorum ; present ms. included. Pertains to D-type in Klauser's classification; begins with Christmas Vigil.
- 210v-RPD Blank. Hintere_Innenseite 20c notice of restoration
- Hartzheim, pp. 11-12.
- Jaffé-Wattenbach, pp. 5-6.
- P. Bloch, "Die Beiden Reichenauer Evangeliare im Kölner Domschatz," Kölner Domblatt 16-17 (1959), pp. 9-40.
- P. Bloch and H. Schnitzler, Die ottonische Kölner Malerschule 2 (Düsseldorf 1970), passim.
- P. Clemen, Die Kunstdenkmäler der Stadt Köln, Bd. 1, Abt. III: Der Dom (Düsseldorf 1937)(= Die Kunstdenkmäler der Rheinprovinz, 6.3), pp. 381 sq., nr. 6.
- A. Grabar and C. Nordenfalk, Die grossen Jahrhunderte der Malerei. Das frühe Mittelalter vom 4. bis zum 11. Jahrhundert (Geneva 1957), p 209 (not seen).
- H. Hoffmann, Buchkunst und Königtum (Stuttgart 1986) 1, pp. 224, 321, 329, 407-408, 415-416, esp. p. 410 and vol. 2, Abb. 223.
- J. Kirmeier, A. Schütz and E. Brockhoff, edd., Schreibkunst: Mittelalterliche Buchmalerei aus dem Kloster Seeon (Augsburg 1994)(exhibition catalogue), pp. 156-157 nr. 24, and Abb. pp. 14-15, 52, 56-57, 61, 90, 96.
- H. Mayr-Harting , Ottonian Book Illumination I, p. 36,
- and idem II, color pl. XXV.
- C. Nordenfalk, "Book Illumination", Early Medieval Painting (Geneva 1957), p. 209.
- Ornamenta Ecclesiae 1, p. 152.
- J. Prochno, Das Schreiber- und Dedikationsbild der deutschen Buchmalerei, Bd. 1 (Leipzig-Berlin 1929), p. 37 (not seen).
- W. Schulten, Der Kölner Domschatz (1980), pp. 22-23, Abb. 50-52.
- The Medieval Manuscripts of the Cologne Cathedral Library. Volume I, MSS. 1-100. By Diane Warne Anderson and Jonathan Black, edited by Diane Warne Anderson. [Digitaler Volltext]
Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek Köln
Im Rahmen des DFG-Projekts CEEC bearbeitet von Patrick Sahle; Torsten Schaßan (2000-2004)
Bearbeitung im Rahmen des Projekts Migration der CEEC-Altdaten von Marcus Stark; Siegfried Schmidt; Harald Horst; Stefan Spengler; Patrick Dinger; Torsten Schaßan (2017-2019)